Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It's Been too long
The countdown of the new quarter begins...I'm halfway done with school, halfway to becoming a chiropractor and super excited about all that is ahead of me! India, Hawaii, FL, TN oh my. It's been fun visiting them all and next off to North Carolina in a month and a half to spend Thanksgiving with my favorite extended Persian Family. Can't wait! I love the fall and it's definitely in the air! I will post pictures as soon as I see the leaves change.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It's an ODD year...that means I get to travel
An amazing opportunity has fallen into my lap! A trip to INDIA! I am so excited! I am going at the end of June with a group of my fellow students. We will be staying in an Ashram and working with people from the ashram learning amazing things and experiencing a wonderful culture.
I don't know what it is about traveling and exploring another culture and country but it brings me back to life. The two things I am most passionate about are being combined into one trip. I cannot wait for what is to come.
My favorite new mantra: BE, DO, HAVE
I will create synergy, love & passion on this trip and I can't wait!
Friday, December 26, 2008
My Return to the Left Coast
Seasons Greetings!
Oh how I miss Pacific Standard time where waking up at 6am is normal again. Some would say this is never normal! However, when you are used to waking up at 6am Eastern Standard time it becomes 9am on the west coast...and this is one gift to my circadian rhythm that I appreciate most!
It is good to be in California after being absent for a year! I have missed my friends & the family most of all! It is strange how quickly a year has flown by, yet how much has changed in that year. I returned to town and there are new babies everywhere, new houses, new relationships, new life adventures. It is truly a blessing how happy and healthy everyone is upon my return!
I am so grateful for this three week break! I don't think I've ever welcome a three week visit to Fresno like I have this one. I practically ran from my terminal to baggage claim and eagerly headed home to Kelso Ave. Christmas was awesine, plenty of food and many hardy laughs were shared with the clan of aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends that spent the day at my parents house.
I have only been home a week and have the pleasure of seeing most of the people nearest and dearest to my heart! We have partaken in game night, lunches, margaritas(!), and coffee. I couldn't ask for a better gift than the time I've been able to spend with everyone. Time truly is the best gift of all. I can attest to that after not having even a minute to spare in the last 365 days. Not that I haven't enjoyed those days as well! Don'e misunderstant me, I am extremely grateful to be doing what I have been doing for the past year, but things such as spare time and relaxation are things I appreciate more than ever!
It is time to get rejuvenated and pumped up for the coming year! I can't wait to see what 2009 brings my way!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thankful for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving was awesome! I headed up to North Caroline Thursday morning at 5 am. Little did I realize that I accidently rerouted myself on MapQuest and sent myself on a wild turkey chase. I had looked at the directions and remembered that the trip would take me 5.5 hrs. However, my printed version said 6.5 hours. Turns out I moved the route to include directions up an unnecessary highway and back down that same highway
However, my map did not print so I had no clue that I had done this...It's amazing what school has done to my common sense!
North Carolina is ABSOLUTELY beautiful!!! I almost didn't want to leave. It forced me to relax and not study and catch up with a dear old (really young) friend!
Another Thanksgiving surprise arrived in Atlanta on my way back and that was a call from my friend Max from my days at the Electric Beach in Seattle. He and his wife were visiting friends in Athens and asked me to meet up with them at the Mall of Georgia.
It was an awesome Thanksgiving despite the fact that I was away from home...but I will be there soon enough to enjoy the remaining holidays of the season.
Now it's time to get my rear in gear and begin preparation for the next 3 weeks! YIKES!!! I am going to need many prayers...hint hint!
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's been so Long
I really should be sleeping right now, however I feel that it has been so long I must briefly blog.
I have pictures from Halloween with the Girls at Wicked... So good!
Currently, I am surviving week 7 of our quarter, only 3.5 more of them to go!
Tentatively I'm heading to North Carolina for Thanksgiving next week to visit the Tavana's (college roommate & her family). So excited to get out of dodge!
Other than that my time is spend sitting in classes, studying my booty off and dreaming of my next break in California! Oh how I miss the west coast, mostly my family & friends!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Time after Time
It seems my life is an ongoing countdown these days... who knows if this is good or bad:)
- 1 more hour until I have to go to Office Hours
- 5 more hours of class today
- 3 hours of studying tonight
- 9 hours until I can go to sleep again
- 9 more exams
- 1 more week until finals
- 2 weeks until I go to NYC to visit Heather (canNOT wait to get out of dodge!)
- 1 quarter until I get to go home again!!! :)
- 11 months until Megan gets married in HAWAII... I love her for this:)
Don't get me wrong, life is fabulous, it just seems so scheduled. I guess that's what happens when your life is consumed by cadavers, books, people you love, school, eating, and Gossip Girl...I'm such a nerd, I know!
p.s. just to show you that they weren't lying when they spoke of humidity in the south...check out the hair! YIKES! even paper products get damp in the south.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I Heart Third Quarter!
We just finished up our first round of midterms... and what a relief this quarter has been! I still feel like I'm studying all the time, but at least the information is so much more interesting (for the most part). I swear I went crossed on Thursday after all of my tests where over, my brain was Fried! ... of course it didn't help that I tried to get a jump start on the next round...

I am learning to read x-rays, which is extremely cool! Dr. Paul gave me my old x-rays which are totally awesome to see and practice drawing on! We have the best instructor by far for this course, I hope to encounter her or those like her again and again! She is so passionate about the profession and really cares about who we are and our vision for the future of chiropractic. EXTREMELY refreshing!
Other than that, life is pretty uneventful... that's what happens when you spend 85% of your time in class or at a coffee shop. Speaking of coffee shops, one of my favorite nearby spots to study is closing (gasp it's a Starbucks)...and for those of you know who know my passion for coffee houses know this is usually a place I go out of desperation, not common place! I am deeply saddened, almost to the point of protesting the corporation. Starbucks originally set ou to represent your third place (home, work, third place) and should be somewhere you visit to not only to get a cup of coffee, but to have a good chat with a friend, to read a nice book, to STUDY, or to play a game of chess with a pal. This particular coffee shop represents all of those! and they arer closing what has become one of my favorite third place's!

I began studying there upon the recommendation of a friend who had worked there. I was a doubter at first, but fell in love upon my first visit! It is no ordinary Starbucks, it is the Vinings Starbucks, which reminds me of Capitola, a place near home. It is was built into what seems to be a renovated old home. It has a large patio with trees and tables surrounded by a white picket fence. It has countertop tables, comfy couches, and a train that passes by while you sit out on the front porch. I know, I couldn't believe it myself! The people that frequent it and work there are the BEST! One day I locked my keys out of my car and a Regular offered to call AAA for me! What upsets me most is that they are opening a drive-thru less than a mile away !!! and closing this one because it cannot be converted into a drive-thru despite the fact that it is ALWAYS busy and full of energy, life and such vigor!
Here is the customer service website if you feel as passionate about this closing as I do!
This is why I think drive-thru's are ruining America! Slow down and enjoy your coffee, America!
I am going to miss this study spot and must now waste gas to travel 14 miles on Sunday's to my favorite far away study locale:(
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