The BIG 26 & All it's Glory!
My oh My...What a great way to ring in 26... yet another even year!
25 brought many new life changing events, I'm excited to see what 26 has to offer...I'm sure it will be Equally if not more SPECTACULAR!
I must say this Birthday was pretty Awesome, top notch, in fact! I received so many wonderful birthday messages/gifts/wishes from the friends & the fam. It was so great to chat with some of my favorite people in the world on my birthday! What great people I have in my life, really couldn't ask for much more!!!
The Evening: Dinner & Drinks(which I realized I'm getting a bit too old for) in Virginia Highlands with Great Friends!!!

The Gang
(R to L: Kyle (Erica's BF), Alex, Me, Tara, Erica, Sean)

The Cool Kids!
(R to L: Sean, Patrick, Alex)

All Smiles!!!

Me & Taritta