Sunday, April 6, 2008

1st Quarter Finale

Finals Week and Spring Break came and went with finesse! Finals week was chaotic, but I survived as expected:) I was just happy to finish my 1st Quarter and move forth! 

As for our camping trip to North Carolina it has been postponed due to rainy weather conditions. Despite the camping let down my Spring break was comprised of day hikes and excursions in and around Atlanta! Also, a visit from my former roommate and his girlfriend Jen. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed catching up! 

Now it is back to school tomorrow and I am thrilled to no longer be a 1st Quarter student! Feels good to have a quarter under my belt and look back at how fast eleven weeks flew by...thinking ahead I realize that the next 13 quarters will do the same (I better hold on tight and enjoy the ride)!!!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I am glad to hear that you are doing well, although me and Joey do miss you. Hopefully you can come to visit soon!